May the Almighty fulfill his promise to His beloved Friend Abraham; to deliver his seed after 400 years servitude
in a land not their own (America).
They were illegally transported here in 1619, their time is up in 2019 about ten years from now,
they must prepare to leave right now! You may be asking where they are going. To this, I say, let’s read
Ezekiel 20, verse 33-38, “As I live, says the Lord God, surely with a mighty hand and an outstretched arm, and with
wrath poured out. I will be King over you. I will bring you out from the peoples and gather you out of the countries
where you are scattered, with a mighty hand and an out stretched arm, and I will bring you into the wilderness of the peoples,
and there I will enter into judgment with you face to face. As I entered into judgment with your ancestors in the wilderness
of Egypt, so I will enter into judgment with you, says the Lord God. I will make you pass under the staff, and
will bring you within the bond of the covenant. I will purge out the REBELS among you, and those who transgress against
me: I will bring them out of the land where they reside as aliens, but THEY SHALL NOT ENTER THE LAND OF ISRAEL.
Then you shall know that I am the Lord.”
A young, beautiful Angelica was dead for over
23 hours, went to Heaven and Hell, where she was shown mighty things which have never been told. She saw people in Hell whom
you will be surprised to know are there. She gives us warnings which prove to be biblical and impossible for her to
know on her own. When she speaks, I feel the Spirit of God all over her. Her story is chilling, feeling, informative
and life-changing. What a message that the world needs to sit attentively and listen to and take heed. This is
the day that Father God is warning, warning, warning so that there will be no excuse. What will be your Destiny: Heaven
or Hades? Listen to the video in it's entirety and you will be changed. Love You. Peace.
Dark Entitles
Explained | by Sylvia Browne
It is now time to discuss one of the things I’m most
often asked about: the role of dark entities in creation. It’s hard for our finite minds to comprehend, but let’s
say that in the beginning, God created some souls with more knowledge than others to aid the rest of us. This group of entities
would include members of the Council, mystical travelers, and mission-life entities. The rest of us, on the other hand, were
given very little knowledge so that we could evolve at our own page. Thanks to our own free will, we’d be able to attain
the level of individual evolvement that we’d chosen for ourselves.
Only God truly knows how negativity
and evil came into being, but I have a pretty good idea how it happened, and Francine concurs. It had to come into existence
at some time in order for created entities to learn about it and evolve. In other words, God knew that evil would be instigated
by those who had free will, which means us.
Whether this negativity started while we were still orbs of light
or it waited until we obtained bodies doesn’t really matter. The point is that, thanks to the combination of emotional
makeup and free will, some entities allowed their own egos to override their intellects, causing a separation from God.
rift caused the entities to become dark. With ego and visions of grandeur fueling them, they opted to gain power in any way
they could. They wanted to rule their own destinies, thinking of themselves as good as, or even better than, their Creators.
(The irony here is that we all rule our own destinies and don’t have to become evil or negative to do so.) With power
comes corruption and ego gratification; consequently, acts of cruelty and intimidation started taking place among those who
lived on the early planets, either spurred on or actually perpetrated by these entities who decided to separate from God.
It was their way of obtaining power and holding on to it.
It’s interesting that the dark entities have
made their own sort of reality. Just as we can create things from our thoughts on the Other Side (such as buildings or homes),
dark entities have created a place of residence for their hierarchy. Normally they keep reincarnating on the planets that
they use as their home base, so to speak, but they also created a place in an alternate dimension for their leaders to dwell
in. They call in Noir, which means “dark” or “black,” and it’s almost their answer to God’s
creation of the Other Side. Noir is a singular planet that doesn’t have the magnificence and beauty of the Other Side
– in fact, I understand that it’s very dreary. We know little about it, as naturally no one wants to go there,
but I’ve been told that it will also be absorbed in the end schematic.
In addition, the bulk of dark entities
are somewhat primitive in nature. I don’t mean that they lack intelligence, but they act on their base emotions of lust,
power, corruption, cruelty, and the like in creating as much turmoil as they can. They’ve essentially devolved into
chaotic entities that put forth negativity and evil in their actions to conquer God and His creations.
Most dark
entities can be easily discerned, for they live only for themselves and their own gratification. It’s all about them
and everyone else can go to hell. In some instances, however, they can be hard to recognize. They hide themselves behind a
smoke screen (usually in a religious or political arena) and put themselves forth as leaders or individuals of great wisdom…and
then they proceed to instill hate, bigotry, and prejudice in those who listen. They’re hypocrites of the highest order,
and their “teachings” only serve to spread their lies to the world.
Dark entities can be very cunning
in that they seem to maintain a false front that can be manifest in a delightful personality or even a charisma that can entice
many to follow them. Think of Adolf Hitler, Jim Jones, or Osama Bin Laden – individuals who were able to lure their
followers into performing acts of cruelty and evil for their own ego gratification, using either a religious or political
agenda for their own agenda for their own ends. Yet dark entities can come in all shapes, colors, and genders – they
can be blatant or subtle, vicious or seemingly kind, stupid or seemingly wise, selfish or seemingly magnanimous. In other
words, they can be lions in sheep’s clothing, but they can’t be spiritual like white entities. They also can’t
or won’t love God, although many do put that facade forth.
The dark ones can physically hurt you when you’re
incarnate, such as through spousal or child abuse. For example, my own mother almost burned my foot by running scalding-hot
water over it. I can remember trying to hold myself up on one foot and screaming. I’m sure that it would have gone on
except as God (or my chart) would have it, my aunt and uncle showed up. Today I look back and think of my mother without any
hate, and I realize that she was just dark and sociopathic – and she just couldn’t love.
dark entities’ forte is to psychically attack you in your emotions. In fact, psychic attack is one of the main reasons
for so much of the illness and depression in the world. I don’t mean that the dark entities possess you or anything
like that, but their energy, combined with the negativity of the Earth plane, is absolutely behind a lot of the anxiety and
despair that goes on with humankind. But remember that the negative ones can’t really hurt your soul, and that God loves
all of his creations…even the dark entities.